Windows Whistler Beta 2 Iso Download

Jan 13, 2001 - channels == #whistler #winwhistler #win-whistler #windowswhistler. But you can only check once you have downloaded the whole ISO, cant you? Whats the deal with Build 2410? Is it beta 2? According to this website, which is Beta-test application form from Feb 10, 2001, there were 2 'kits' of beta 2-1.Whistler Personal(Only) 2.Whistler 32 TechBeta - Personal+Professional+Server+Advanced Server.and said that 48 people could apply, and the disks were delivered in April, in the same year.

Ok, got the whistler beta 2 cd from msdn, but it is good for upgrading only as far as I can tell. What if you want to do a fresh install, (it says to boot from the cd).


However, I cannot get it to boot from the cd even though it has apparent boot files in it, WIN51.b2 and WIN51IS.b2. So I tried another method of using CDRWin and adding a win2korg.bin and WIN51IP.b2 file to see if that would work. Almost, it now says that boot failed, try again, which of course it never works.

Windows Whistler Beta 2 Iso Download

Beta 2 The Game

Anyone made a bootable whistler beta 2 cd yet? I tried searching, found nothing. Thanks.