7 Speed Reading Download Torrent

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7 Speed Reading Download Who Else Wants To Speed Read For Success? “If you have 7 minutes per day for just two wee s, we guarantee you’ll be reading 310 times faster, remembering more, and ta ing your success to new levels – or we’ll refund 100% of your purchase price – no questions as ed.” What if Your Reading Speed Was The One Thing Holding You Bac ? Today the average job requires 30 times the reading compared to 10 years ago. An d in another 10 years it will require 30 times as much again. Unfortunately, if you can’t eep up with the reading, you simply have to settle for a lower-paid job . It’s that simple. In today’s nowledge-economy, nowledge is the most valuable commodity. And it’s abs olutely essential that all adults and children have the reading s ills to ta e c ontrol of information overload. Faster Reading Statistically Guarantees You Will Become More Successful In Your Career It’s a fact. The faster you read, the faster you will process emails. The easier y ou stay up-to-date with your training. And the better you will perform at wor . Today we live in a “ noweldge economy”, which means that “ nowledge is money”. The more you now the more you are worth. Slow reading will prevent you nowing what you need to now in order to truly succeed. Fast reading, on the other hand, will ma e success in any career or study “almost effortless”. That’s Why We Created 7 Speed Reading Software! From: Marc Slater, Director – eReflect Software We created 7 Speed Reading Software because we saw first hand what a big differe nce faster reading can ma e to someone’s life and career. No matter what position you are currently in, this information applies to you. You’re going to learn how t o read three times faster, comprehend more, and develop an almost photographic m emory for everything you read. You’ll easily triple your reading speed and increase your comprehension so you can : Ta e control of “information overload” – No more feeling pressured under piles of pape rs, boo s, and manuscripts. Be the smartest person at wor – Be totally on top of all the information and watc h your colleagues struggle to eep up. Be the “star” of every meeting. Fly through every web page, email message, and boo all the latest nowledge, news, and information.
– Easily stay “in the
now”. Have
Prepare for exams in one third the time while boosting your score – No more long n
ights of study. Learn what you need quic ly and easily and be confident when you wal into the exam. Save time – and lots of it – Spend time with your family, loved ones, and friends in stead of reading at a snail’s pace. 7 Speed Reading 7 Speed Reading Download Feel energized and inspired – Allow your
nowledge to feed your inspiration.
Be the guru – Easily stay on top of any topic. Know more about your material than anyone else. Be interesting and attractive – now interesting facts and be good at conversation . Become the equivalent of “gold” in today’s nowledge-economy – With your new fast readin g s ills, you’ll quic ly gain the nowledge and s ills that are worth fortunes to big business. Discover the 7 Simple Strategies That You Can Use to Triple Your Reading Speed I n Just Two Wee s Learning to read faster is the most important investment you can ma e in yoursel f. With 7 Speed Reading, you’ll quic ly learn to read at 600-1000 words per minute , and beyond. That’s at least a three fold boost that will pay instant dividends to your career, life, and success! Read on to discover the 7 easy strategies that 7-Speed-Readi ng uses to boost your reading speed faster and more easily than any other method… “15 Scientifically-Designed Software Activities Remove Your Bad Reading Habits Aut omatically” Problem: You won’t come close to your reading potential with only a few basic soft ware activities. Until now, speed reading software has failed to deliver, because even the most e xpensive programs only gave you 4 activities… meaning that only a very small part of your potential was realized. Solution: 7-Speed-Reading gives you 15 separate training activities, each scient ifically designed to wor on a separate aspect of your reading and comprehension . 7-Speed reading is the only program to train you in all the areas you need to re ach your potential, including: Subvocalization Elimination – This means not “saying the words in your head” as you re ad them. Regression Elimination – This means not unnecessarily going bac d.
over what you rea
Fixation Expansion – this means learning to recognize large chun s of words togeth er. Eye Muscle Fitness – 7-Speed-Reading trains your eyes li e a gym trains your muscl
es. Full-Brain Utilization – Use more of your brain to ta e in and process information quic ly and efficiently. Optic-Nerve Maximization – Optimize the path between your eyes and your brain. Information Processing – Speed the rate at which your brain can process new inform ation. Memory – Develop an almost photographic memory for everything you read. Comprehension – Achieve comprehension rates of 94%-98%, even at 3-10 times your or iginal reading speed. “Step-By-Step Modules Ta e You By The Hand And Guide You To Faster Reading” Having the right software technology to improve your reading is powerful. But it’s only the beginning of what 7-Speed-Reading will do for you. Rather than simply giving you the software activities and leaving you on your ow n (as older programs do), 7-Speed-Reading gives you step-by-step modules that co mbine personalized video training with powerful software activities. Question: What is a Step-By-Step Module? Answer: A Step-By-Step ModuleTM combines video training with software activities . In each module our expert instructor ta es you by the hand and shows you exact ly what to do. First a concept will be explained. Then the software will as you to complete a scientifically designed exercise. Then your instructor will show you the next step…. and so on… You Also Get More than 600 Complete E-Boo s for All Reading Levels We have also put together the largest e-boo collection of any speed-reading pro gram. In fact, the boo s that come with 7-Speed-Reading have a total retail valu e of over $3,473. The boo s include: Self help boo s Business and money-ma ing guides Classic novels Children’s boo s Much more… You can use any of these boo s with your reading practice. Simply select the boo in the advanced text manager and you are ready to go.
7 Speed Reading Download
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  1. Vocabulary is an essential part of speed reading. Improving your vocabulary even slightly can give a dramatic boost in speed and an even bigger boost in comprehension. That’s why for a limited time we’re including our vocabulary audio training program for free when you download Spreeder today.
  2. 7 Speed Reading is the only modern speed-reading software to use the latest technology for superior results. A new way to master speed reading that guarantees 3 times the reading speed with improved memory and comprehension.

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